duminică, 24 februarie 2013

Welcome to my Caffee! | Bun venit in cafeneaua mea!

Hello! I have had the idea of starting a blog for the longest time but I either didn't have the necessary time, or because my lack of courage. Because I am subscribed to a lot of beauty gurus in Youtube and because I follow my fair share of bloggers, I decided that my first post should be a tag one, so you can get to know me better! So, without further ado, 
The 25 Beauty Questions tag

1. Do you apply foundation with a brush, sponge or use your fingers?
For the longest time, I used my fingers and I loved the finish it gives, how quick and fuss free it is. In the last years though, I started experimenting a lot more. Depending on the consistency of the foundation, my favorite brush is the Real Techniques Buffing Brush for liquid foundation and the Beauty Blender for creamy products. 

2. Do you apply eyeshadow from light to dark? Or light to dark?
From light to dark! Couldn't imagine applying it vice-versa.

3. Do you prime your eyes?
Yes, yes, yes! I can't stress enough how important this is. Even if you have normal to dry skin like mine, it is crucial that you apply primer. It makes your eyeshadow go on smoother, blend better, last a lot longer and it stops eyeshadow from creasing. The one I swear by is the Too Faced Shadow Insurance.

4. Concealer first or after foundation?
Definitely after. Again, I don't see the purpose of putting it under foundation.

5. Go for manicures or manicure yourself?
I don't think I went to get a manicure professionally done more than 5 times in my entire life. I learned to do it myself and I am quite satisfied with the results.

6. Exfoliate lips, face or both?
Well, I'll say depending on your skin type. I don't have a specific exfoliation regimen, I do it when I feel I need it, maybe 3 to 4 times a week for my face, and whenever I feel my lips are dry/chapped for lips. I love mixing sugar and olive oil to create a DIY scrub for my lips!

7. On average, how much time does it take you to do your makeup?
If I am going to wear a full-face of makeup, I'd say anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the look I'm going after. For everyday though, I manage to keep it under half an hour.

8. Do you wear makeup everyday and everywhere?
I'd say about 5 days out of 7, on average I do wear makeup. Obviously, I can leave the house without it, I don't mind, but I have to say I much prefer it when I am all made up :))

9. What release are you most excited about?
I have to give a shoutout to the Skyfall collection by OPI. I couldn't wait to get my hands on a specific colour.

10. What's your weakness?
I don't think I have any, to be very honest. I obviously love makeup and beauty- if not you wouldn't be reading this- but I think I am a moderate shopper, I won't buy something I don't need just because I feel like it.

11. Do you whiten your teeth?
No I don't.

12. Wax or pluck eyebrows?
I have never tried waxing. I did try threding and I loved it but I prefer to do my eyebrows myself so I most oftenly pluck them.

13. What do you use to contour?
The bronzer which is near and dear to my heart is the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil bronzer. It is a matte, taupey-brown colour, perfect for contouring. I have it for more than 1 year now and I still haven't hit pan, even though I use it daily. And it smells like chocolate, too. Love love love.

14. False lashes or natural?
I suck at applying falsies. It's definitely a challenge for me. Natural all the way. I'd wear false lashes for a special event if I had them glued on by a professional.

15. Favorite makeup brand?
Tough question. Can't make up my mind.

16. Liquid eyeliner, pencil or gel?
Eyeshadow! Nothing can beat a stiff push liner brush and a deep, super saturated eyeshadow.

17. Lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick?
On a daily basis, a tinted lip balm/chapstick. For going out, nothing can beat the lipstick and lipgloss combo.

18. Pigments, pressed or cream shadow?
I don't own a lot of pigments or cream shadows for that matter. I'd love to try the Maybelline Color Tattoos - I heard so may raves about them. So, pressed shadow it is.

19. If you had to wear only one thing, except from foundation, what would it be?
Mascara! It opens up the eyes and it gives the whole face a lift-me-up. The blackest and the more , volumizing, the better.

20. Favorite colour?
When it comes to makeup, I'm all about nudes. In day-to-day life I really made a passion for burgundy and crimson colours.

21. Favorite color combination?
I love a good gold-bronze smokey eye paired with peach-coral blush and lips. For clothing I mostly wear creams, beiges and browns. Pretty boring.

22. Natural or dramatic eye makeup?
For myself, natural. But I absolutely adore more fashionable, dramatic, full on makeup as well.

23. Do you care more for quality or name brand?

24. Do you enjoy using face masks?
I have to admit I am quite lazy when it comes to masks-of any kind. I have been using the Soap and Glory Scrub your Nose in it purifying clay face mask for a month now and I quite like it. It is a mask and scrub 2 in 1 and it really does a good job at both clarifying my skin and removing dead skin cells.

25. What is your current addiction?
I'd say hair products for the past 6 months or so. I've been really into taking caring for my hair, giving it regular trims, deep conditioning it and so on. So yes, I am definetely a hair junk hoarder.

In case you stuck around until the end, feel free to give me your feedback, request a post or why not, respond to the questions yourslef in the comment section below. Tag, you are it! 


Buna! Ideea de a incepe un blog nu mi-a fost straina de putin timp insa ori  nu am avut timpul ori curajul necesar. Pentru ca urmaresc celebrii beauty gurus de pe Youtube si pentru ca numarul blogurilor atat din tara cat si din strainatate pe care le urmaresc nu sunt putine, am zis ca prima postare pe care sa o scriu sa fie una de gen tag, ca sa puteti sa ma cunoasteti mai bine. Asa ca fara alte introduceri,
25 de intrebari despre frumusete

1. Aplici fondul de ten cu degetele, cu un burete sau cu o pensula?
Depinde de consistenta produsului. Pentru fdt lichid prefer pensula buffing de la Real Techniques iar pentru cel cremos- Beauty Blenderul. Insa recunosc ca pentru mult timp am folosit degetele si nu am avut nicio problema- e rapid si ofera un finish frumos, natural.

2. Aplici fardul de pleoape de la inchis sau deschis? Sau invers?
Nu imi pot imagina sa il pot aplica de la inchis la deschis, nu face prea mult sens in capul meu.

3. Folosesti un primer pentru ochi?
Da! Consider ca este un pas esential. Creeaza o baza fina pentru ca fardurile sa se aplice mai usor si nu le lasa sa se stranga in pliul pleoapei. De asemenea, aceasta nu permite fardului sa isi piarda din intensitate pe toata perioada zilei. Preferatul meu e Shadow Insurance de la Too Faced. Il gasiti in Sephora.

4. Aplici corectorul/anticearcanul dupa sau inainte de fdt?
Ambele numai dupa ce am aplicat fdt insa nu inainte de a pudra!

5. Te duci la salon pentru manichiura sau ti-o faci singura?
Cred ca in total, in toata viata mea, nu am fost de mai mult de 5 ori la manichiura. Imi place sa mi-o fac singura, ma relaxeaza.

6. Iti exfoliezi si fata si buzele?
Da, insa nu am un anumit regiem de gomaj. Exfoliez de cate ori simt nevoia, nu mai mult de 3-4 ori pe saptamana. Cand vine vorba de buze, trebuie sa recunosc ca nu exfoliez numai cand simt sa sunt uscate sau crapate. Amestec putin zahar si putin ulei de masline sa fac un scrub DIY numai bun pentru exfolierea si hidratarea buzelor.

7. Cam cat timp iti ia sa te machiezi, in medie?
Pentru un machiaj de zi cu zi, nu mai mult de 30 de minute. Daca merg la un eveniment mai special, imi ia oriunde intre 40 de minute si 1 ora, depinde de complexitatea machiajului.

8. Folosesti machiaj regulat?
Cam 5 zile din 7. Bineinteles ca pot sa ies din casa fara machiaj, nu am nicio problema. Prefer insa sa aplic macar putin fond de ten, rimel, blush si balsam de buze.

9. De ce lansare de produse esti entuziasmata?
Am bantuit magazinele in cautarea colectiei Skyfall de la OPI. Eram axata pe cumpararea unei anumite nuante. A intrat insa in posesia mea si s-a lasat fara victime :))

10. Care este slabiciunea ta?
Imi place sa cred ca nu am una- sunt o persoana destul de cumparata, nu cumpar un lucuru de care stiu ca nu am nevoie doar pentru ca vreau.

11. Iti albesti dintii?

12. Iti faci sprancenele cu ceara sau le pensezi?
Asta e o intrebare care suna foarte ciudat in romana. Mi le pensez, eu singura. Nu imi prea place sa isi amestece altcineva coada in ele.

13. Ce produs folosesti pentru conturul fetei?
Pudra bronzanta Chocolate Soleil de la Too Faced. E mata si pigmentata, culoarea ideala pentru contouring. O folosesc zilnic de mai mult de un an, de cand am cumparat-o si suntem nedespartiteUnde mai pui ca miroase a ciocolata?

14. Gene false sau naturale?

Nu ma prea pricep la lipit gene false, trebuie sa recunosc. Dar pentru un eveniment, nu as spune nu, cu conditia sa fie lipite de un profesionalist.

15. Firma preferata de makeup?
O intrebare mult prea grea. Nu ma pot decide.

16. Tus, creion sau eyeliner gel?
Fard de pleoape. Aplicat cu o pensula push liner brush, rigida si dreapta. E mult mai usor si rapid si da un efect mai soft, mai smokey.

17. Ruj, gloss sau balsam de buze?
Pentru uz zilnic, cu siguranta un balsam de buze usor colorat. Pentru o iesire insa, combinatie de ruj si gloss in nuante complementare.

18. Pigmenti, farduri presate sau crema?
Nu am in colectia de machiaj prea multi pigmenti sau prea multe farduri crema. Asa ca le aleg pe cele presate.

19. Daca ar fi sa aplici un produs, in afara de fdt, ce ai alege?
Cu siguranta mascara! Iti conutreaza privirea si deschide ochii, dang un aspect fresh intregii fete.

20. Culoarea preferata?
Pentru machiaj prefer nuantele neutre. In viata de zi cu zi insa, iubesc paleta de culori visiniu-burgund.

21. Combinatia de culori preferata?
Cand vine vorba de makeup, iubesc ochii imbracati in nuante de auriu si bronz, complementate de un ruj si blush corai-piersica.

22. Preferi machiajul ochilor in stil neutru sau dramatic?
Pentru uz zilnic, cu siguranta nuantele nude.

23. Iti pasa mai mult de calitatea unui produs sau de numele acestuia?
Bineinteles, prefer un produs calitativ, chiar daca nu este foarte cunoscut.

24. Folosesti masti de fata? Daca da, care?
Trebuia sa recunosc ca la capitolul masti sunt destul de lenesa. Insa in ultima luna am folosit masca si exfoliatorul 2 in 1 de la Soap and Glory, numit Scrub your nose in it. Miroase a menta si iti lasa fata fina, neteda si curata.  Si are un ambalaj tare dragut.

25. Care este dependenta ta in momentul  de fata?
In afara de cafea? :)) Produsele de par! De 6 luni incoace adun fel si fel de produse care in final raman uitate pe rafturile din baie.

In cazul in care ai citit pana la sfarsit, nu ezita sa-mi dai feedback, sau sa ceri o postare anume. Sau de ce nu, copiaza intrebarile si raspunde la ele in sectia de comentarii de mai jos. Leapsa!

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